What We Do

Sanctuary Farms
We support sanctuary farms, where rescued farm animals can live in peace. Animals often escape captivity during transportation or are rescued by advocates, after which they need to be cared for and given shelter - farm sanctuaries provide an opportunity for these lucky few to survive.


Marketing & Outreach

Whether it is providing food experiences at exceptional restaurants or simply developing dialogue, we know that a new, accurate narrative of what a plant-based lifestyle truly entails is essential to building awareness and changing the world. We believe that no endeavor to bring about change is too small, and any one person can save hundreds or thousands of lives with minimal effort.

Public Policy Advocacy

We support legislation that seeks an end to animal cruelty and abuse. Many states maintain antiquated laws that provide little to no protection for animals not considered to be "companions" and even for those that are. A future free of needless animal suffering is possible, and this can only be achieved if our laws and leaders reflect this ideal.

Support for Plant-Based Companies
We financially support plant-based businesses for a variety of reasons. In the public markets, higher share prices provide greater investment capabilities and market awareness of the plant-based movement. In the private markets, investments in growing companies support further growth and expansion. Finally, appreciation of our own asset base will allow us to make a more significant total impact on the lives of animals over time.